Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Coconut almond and cashew burfi

Dry coconut powder - 1 cup
Almond and cashew mixed together - 1 cup
Sugar - 2 cups
Water - 1 cup
Milk - 1/2 cup
Elachi powder - 1 tsp
Butter - 1/4 cup

Preparation Method
Soak the almond and cashew in hotwater for about 10 mins.
Peel off the skin from the almonds if you prefer to keep your burfi white.
Grind the cashews and almonds with milk into a fine mixture.
To make the sugar syrup add the sugar and water together in a wide pan.
Always remember that the sugar to water ratio is 2:1.
Once it reaches the one string consistence(A single string when stretched between two fingers) add the coonut powder and the cashew and almond paste. Add half of the butter at this stage.
Keep stirring continously and you can see that the ingredients would come well together and doesnt stick to the pan. You can see that the bubbles in the mixture are blooming up like a flower and this is the right consistency when the burfi would be neither too hard nor too soft. It would melt into your mouth with a bite. Now add the remaining ghee and give a final stir.
Add this mixture to a wide pan greased with butter and spread it out to the desired thickness.
Once it cools down a little cut shapes with the help of a knife. Once it cools down completely cut them out into individual pieces. Refrigerate them to stay fresh for a long time.

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